Just like this rare cloud formation reveals itself as a layered, rugged, and undulating structure, our environment also consists of surprising discoveries, if you open yourself up to them.
This work emerged from the desire to connect people, as I find it concerning that distance and individualism prevail in society.
The appearance of my work reflects the serene feeling I experience when observing waves, rotating wind turbine blades, a flying flock of birds, flowing water, passing clouds, and gusts of wind. These sensations come to life in the movements that arise from “playing” this instrument with another person. I want the audience to physically engage with my work, and the actions of your opponent.
I provide room for interaction, serendipity, and encourage spontaneous encounters. Whilst humans are creatures of habit, I firmly believe that playfulness is crucial to keep oneself stimulated. Unexpected moments occur by letting go of control and embracing unpredictabilities. This world is overly focused on what can be measured and counted, but I aim to create room for what can be narrated. After all, experiences are the ones that stay with you.